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HOLLAND HUB: Cyclist Hub

This is a Year 3 Semester 1 Project in National University of Singapore. 

Tutor: Wu Yen Yen



Holland Hub


The hub is located along the green corridor and the roads of Commonwealth Avenue & North Buona Vista Road.

The design offers as an entrance of the green corridor, a destination spot for 4 types of cyclist - Artist, Office workers, Residents & People out of the site. Envisioning to connect the diversity of Holland, Buona Vista & the Green Corridor together as one single hub.

The design strategies brings the targeted cyclist into the site by extending the existing graffiti wall along the green corridor. Creating an L-Shaped block on the 1st Storey for a sense of enclosure within the plaza space. These L-shape block of retail spaces are facing inwards of the extended graffiti wall. The retail spaces are able to spill their activities out into the plaza space such as, Cafe seatings, Bike shop putting their bicycle outside the shop to promote and sell their bike, also artist are able to teach art if they are unable to book the studio spaces which is located on the 2nd storey of the hub.

On the 2nd Storey, further celebrating the extending graffiti wall by facing the programs facing directly to the graffiti wall. Envisioning the angled glass facade that could reflect the activities in the plaza space to the road level. The strong L-shape volume also acts as a bridge that connects to the road level.


Holland hub is a bike-centric space for bikers, office workers and arts that create a destination spot for the green corridor. A visitor centre with retail, hot desking, educational and arts.

© 2020 by ENYX Architecture. All Rights Reserved.

Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Eric Ng.

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